In early February we welcomed an Afghan family—parents in their 20s with a four-year-old, one-month-old, and one expected in a few months. Volunteers masterfully set up a beautiful, well-appointed home. In collaboration with JFS Metrowest, our dedicated core family volunteers Laura Gilman, Stephanie Juma, Andy Langowitz, and Leslie Riedel, support volunteers, ESL tutors, and research teams led by Miriam Jost continue to assist the family with education, job seeking, medical and dental care, government benefits, transportation, and English skills. Our goal is to help this young family transition to an unfamiliar culture. Although we have no specifics, we are also preparing for the arrival of another family.
With optimism and some tears of farewell, we report that in February, the family we welcomed in October moved to California to join family. They expressed deep gratitude for the support they received during the critical first three months here. We know we assisted in fostering confidence and providing a strong foundation.
The fabulous February 11 concert was hugely successful! Enormous thanks to the very talented flutist Lina Musayev who initiated this effort, gathered musicians and selected the compositions. We are deeply grateful to Andy Langowitz and Cantors Zell and Rosenberg for their special involvement and to all those who contributed.
We want your immigration/refugee story. Jews have immigrated to and sought refuge in America for over 400 years. The stories reveal strength, courage, persistence, hardship, love, resilience, and hope. We welcome your story. Contact Michael Gilman with questions and comments.
HIAS has designated Friday, March 4 as Refugee Shabbat, a moment to reflect on the extraordinary efforts to find safe harbor for Afghans whose lives have been in danger and on the continuing plight refugees experience globally. Join us virtually following Shabbat services at 8:00 pm to share your story and/or listen to others.