For so many of us, TBE means community within community within community. Having recently found a new special corner of TBE, I am eager to spread the word on this tender and satisfying project. The brainchild of Josh Rosenberg and Lynda Bussgang, “Storytime with Bubbe and Zayde” is a weekly Zoom session in which grandparents read picture books to preschoolers with musical introductions and interludes. According to Josh, “this turns down the temperature of the dinner hour.” According to my grandson Wiley, “I like the books and hearing Josh play the guitar.”
Just to be clear, you need not show proof of a grandchild to be part of this program. This intergenerational project seeks to further connect our older members with our youngest. So if you are “of a certain age,” please feel welcome to attend as a reader or listener. And at the other end of things, you need not be a TBE member to sign on for some good stories at 5 pm on Wednesday evenings. As the word spreads and engagement increases, this program will be more meaningful with community members of all ages gathering together virtually for stories and songs.