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Support TBE

“Who gives charity with a smile is truly a right-minded man.“

~ Nachman of Bratslav

Together, we will assure our community’s financial strength and perpetuate Jewish life.

The TBE Fund ensures we can welcome anyone seeking community. Thank you to all who have donated. Your support enables us to continue to come together in extraordinary ways.


Upcoming Events

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TBE Fund

Gifts to the TBE Fund, our annual fund, support our greatest needs and provide us with the most flexibility in supporting our resources. Dues and fees cover only about 80% of our operating budget. We rely on the generosity of our members to make up the difference.

Honor or remember a person or event while you support TBE.

Donate here

Tzedakah & Discretionary Funds

The roots of the word tzedakah convey a combination of righteousness, fairness, and justice. In our tradition, supporting those in need is not a matter of charity, but a requirement.

Gifts to our discretionary and restricted funds further help to do the critical work of sustaining and improving Jewish life in our community.

Donate here

Planned Giving & Endowment

Help us secure TBE’s financial foundation so that we can continue to serve our community today, as well as future generations, with visionary leadership, learning, spiritual practice, and acts of loving kindness.

No gift is too small.

Learn more

Stephen Ashkinos

Oneg Sponsorship

Sponsor a communal oneg after Friday evening services to commemorate a milestone such as a birthday, yahrzeit, naming, aufruf, or another shehecheyanu moment.

Sponsor an oneg

Yahrzeit Memorial Display

Purchase a yahrzeit plaque for a loved one as a permanent reminder of the place he/she holds in your heart and ensure Kaddish is recited in perpetuity.

Plaques include a ledge for a stone to be placed beside your loved one’s name on the anniversary of their passing and when Yizkor is observed on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, the seventh day of Pesach and Shavuot.

Order a plaque

Prayer Book Dedication

Dedicating a prayer book in tribute to a loved one is a thoughtful and enduring way to commemorate their life, faith, and impact on the world. It represents a lasting tribute that continues to give to others long after the loved one has passed away.

Order a book plate


Upcoming Events

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Reach Out

Stephen Ashkinos
Executive Director, Administration & Operations

Gloria Kuris
Development Associate

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