The Sharp Rescuer Prize promotes humanitarian work in the example of Waitstill and Martha Sharp and seeks to empower rescuers today who sacrifice for others. This social justice award is awarded annually in honor of the Sharps and their commitment to the Unitarian Universalist core values of justice and compassion. The Sharp Rescuer Prize supports people like the Sharps and Marina Goldman (the award’s first recipient) and the associated organizations in carrying out their selfless work.
Ed and Barbara Shapiro are generous community leaders and strategic partners to Marc Jacobs and Lucia Carballo Panichella in all aspects of the development and implementation of the Jewish Family Service Syrian Refugee Humanitarian Project. They are tireless volunteers. No task is too small or any challenge too big. Some of the arriving Syrian refugee families first know Ed and Barbara, as the guy helping carry their luggage, and the lady bringing a giant smile and warm embrace. Ed and Barbara’s children, Josh and Samantha, are also active volunteers in the project.
In addition to the JFS Syrian Refugee Humanitarian Project, the Shapiros are actively involved in global health and refugee resettlement, working closely with organizations such as Partners in Health, UNICEF, HIAS among others. Ed has been to Lesvos, Greece to Africa to Jordan making first hand observations and then making strategic philanthropic investments in programs, hospitals and people that aid refugees and those with medical needs. Ed and Barbara serve on a number of community boards and Ed also on corporate boards of Directors. Ed was managing partner of a financial management firm, recently retired to devote his time to charitable efforts.
The Shapiros, as well as Lucia and Marc, live and work close by to where the Sharps story began in Massachusetts and are proud to be honored in their name.
Learn more about the Sharp Rescuer Prize.