One year ago, Rabbi Sisenwine introduced TBE Table to our community. We sprang into full production last September. Completing our first full year of TBE Table, we are truly amazed and thankful for how far we have come.
Starting as a small group of committed volunteers working together to address food insecurity, we evolved into a large-scale meal production program, which to date has produced 6,421 meals distributed to 10 community partners, and individual TBE members in need. We have engaged 160 volunteers both in and out of the kitchen.
When TBE Table is in session, our humble temple kitchen is transformed into a buzzing commercial kitchen. Anywhere from 6–13 volunteers may be there, prepping, cooking and packaging beautiful, well-balanced meals into individual containers. We have additional volunteers who help shop, and others who deliver these meals to community partners.
Here is some feedback on the impact of our program from our community partners:
From Project Right: “TBE has been a blessing to the families Project RIGHT serves. We have been told if the meals would stop coming, they would resort to not paying rent or buying medicine to make sure they eat.”
From Mass Bay: “A young, single mother shared how good the chicken parmesan was last week, clearly surprised by the quality of your meal. Thank you for recognizing the needs of our courageous students and treating them like you would dinner guests in your homes.”
The impact we have on the lives of these individuals is why we do this. It is truly a mitzvah to be able to participate in this program.
If you would like to join us, click here to learn more.