Toddler to Teen
Community Resources
“When you teach your children, you teach your children’s children.”
Where will your Jewish Journey take you?
Explore programs, organizations, and resources available in our community.
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”toddler-to-teen” limit=”5″]Day School
TBE and local Jewish day schools share the belief that relationships and community are central to living a joyful, fulfilling Jewish life. School and synagogue are extensions of each other.
MetroWest Jewish Day School (MWJDS)
Rabbi Rachel Saphire
Summer Plans
Jewish Camping Initiative
TBE loves Jewish camp. Camp is our Jewish home away from home. We’ve partnered with Combined Jewish Philanthropies and The Foundation For Jewish Camp in the CJP Jewish Camping Initiative. Students enrolled in a TBE learning program may be eligible to receive up to $1000 toward their tuition for their first summer at a Jewish overnight camp through the One Happy Camper incentive grant. The TBE Youth Engagement Fund also provides needs-based scholarships for Jewish overnight camps and summer experiences. Apply here for financial support to fund a summer camp experience.
Interested in exploring Jewish overnight camp for your child(ren)? Fill out this form and a member of the TBE Youth team will be in touch!
Hannah Richman Kearney
Connect with Israel
Anafim: Branches to Haifa
Through CJP’s Boston/Haifa partnership, we are connected to congregation Or Hadash in Haifa. Anafim is our parent/teen learning and travel program with parents and teens from Or Hadash, where we explore our connection to Israel through Torah, music, art, food, and ritual.
Travel to Israel
We hope that every student has the opportunity to travel to Israel. Passport to Israel can help you get there, and families can participate starting when your child is in third grade. You can also travel with TBE on a family trip led by our clergy! There are also many options for summer, semester-long, and short term travel through NFTY, URJ Heller High, summer camps, day school, and Birthright.
Josh Rosenberg
Reach Out
Alison Kur
Executive Director, Jewish Living and Learning
Cantor Josh Rosenberg
Director, Young Family Learning & Engagement
Lisa Scott
Early Childhood
Register for TBE Youth Learning Programs
Grades K-7
Grades 8-12
If you need assistance, contact Ali Klein.
Connect on Social Media
TBE Youth Instagram
TBE Youth Facebook
Parent Involvement
Parent Programs
Participate in programs from Shabbat 101 to Parenting through a Jewish Lens. One-time programs and ongoing classes help parents find support, encouragement, and connection.
No’ar Committee
Would you like to play an active role in shaping the family experience at Temple Beth Elohim? If so, the No’ar (Youth) Committee might be for you. The No’ar Committee focused on the needs of families with children in grades K-7.
As a member of the No’ar Committee, you will partner with Dr. Judy Avnery and a dedicated group of parents to develop programming to strengthen the TBE family community.
Cantor Josh Rosenberg
Families with Young Children
Families with children ages 0-5, join us for events throughout the year. Older siblings are welcome, too! Enjoy Jewish holidays and festive celebrations designed to engage your little ones and build connections among families. Parents, participate in classes and programs to explore Jewish values in family life and build community at social events!
Cantor Josh Rosenberg
TBE Youth Engagement Fund
The TBE Youth Engagement Fund provides scholarships for Jewish programming opportunities, including Jewish overnight camps and summer experiences, Israel trips, Havayah programs, and other leadership and social opportunities for teens in the broader Jewish community. In addition to the funds raised from our annual Dreidel Dash 5K, your donations support our scholarship opportunities.
Donate to the TBE Youth Engagement Fund
(Select TBE Youth Engagement Fund under “Select the fund to which you would like to donate.”)
TBE Youth Engagement Fund Scholarship Application
We value the opportunity to provide support as you turn your passions into action! We strive to make these meaningful experiences more affordable through need-based scholarships. Click here to apply.
Josh Rosenberg
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”toddler-to-teen” limit=”5″]Repair the World
Family Social Action Group (FSAG) organizes meaningful volunteer opportunities for families with children in Kindergarten through grade 5. Younger and older siblings welcome, too! Work side by side with your children and model caring about and helping others in the Greater Boston community. Show them how they can make a difference! It is also a wonderful way to connect with other TBE families.
Shana Frank
Lara Zelman
Parent Resources: Confronting Antisemitism
Confronting hatred & antisemitism
Our hearts are heavy when we are forced to confront hatred, violence, and antisemitism. As always, the TBE Youth team and clergy are available should your family seek additional support.
- ADL Resources to Address and Challenge Antisemitism
- Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era
- How to Talk to Children About Antisemitism
- The Wellesley Freedom Team Rabbi Saphire has helped to establish this non-partisan, community-based initiative made up of volunteers who are available to support individuals feeling victimized by incidents of racism and bias that occur in town.
Josh Rosenberg
Parent Resources: Coping with Tragedy
In response to acts of terror and tragedy, we hear your pain, and we share it. As always, the TBE Youth team and clergy are available should your family seek additional support.
- Responding to Spiritual Questions and Emotional Needs after Tragedies
- Jewish Resources for Coping with Acts of Terror
- Helping Children to Process Acts of Terrorism
- Help Your Child Manage Traumatic Events
- How We Can Help our Littlest Learners in the Wake of Tragedy
- Helping Children of Different Ages Cope with a Death
Josh Rosenberg
Getting Started at Camp
One Happy Camper Scholarship
Considering Jewish overnight camp for the first time? Your child may be eligible for a need-blind grant of up to $1000 this summer! Learn more about One Happy Camper grants, whether you’re eligible, and how to apply.
TBE Youth Engagement Fund
The TBE Youth Engagement Fund provides needs-based scholarships for Jewish programming opportunities, including Jewish overnight camps and summer experiences. Apply here for financial support to fund a summer camp experience.
Finding a Camp for You
Interested in exploring Jewish overnight camp for your child(ren)? Fill out this form and a member of the TBE Youth Team will be in touch!
Rabbi Rachel Saphire
Our Reform Movement Camps
Temple Beth Elohim has a unique relationship with URJ Eisner and Crane Lake Camps and URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, our movement’s regional overnight camps. Our educators and clergy visit our campers there during the summer and help foster our kehillah kedoshah (sacred community, which extends beyond our home on Bethel Road.
URJ Eisner Camp
URJ Crane Lake Camp
URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech
The URJ also has camps all around the country! Learn more about all URJ camps.
Jewish Overnight Camps
We are blessed to have many wonderful Jewish overnight camps located in our region. Each offers a unique opportunity for campers to grow during the summer months.
Camp Avoda (for boys)
Camp Bauercrest (for boys)
JCC Camp Kingswood
Camp Jori
Camp Micah
Camp Pembroke (for girls)
Camp Tel Noar
Camp Tevya
Camp Young Judea
To learn about other Jewish overnight camps around the country, visit the Foundation For Jewish Camp’s website.
Teen Summer Experiences
NFTY in Israel
Spend four–six weeks traveling in Israel on one of NFTY’s many programs for high school students.
URJ Mitzvah Corps
Teens in grades 10–12 travel to communities around the country and Israel to focus on issues of social justice.
Current sophomores and juniors spend six weeks in a social justice experience including a paid internship at a local not-for-profit and cohort learning about tikkun olam and building community.
Pre-College Programs at Brandeis University
Spend a summer on campus at Brandeis to learn, create, and grow both academically and Jewishly.
JCC Maccabi Games
Train for and compete in your favorite sport with other Jewish atheletes.
Bronfman Fellowship
The program begins with a five-week, all-expenses-paid trip to Israel. Open to students currently in grade 11.
Headed to College?
Student Care Packages
Away from home? Keep in touch with TBE! Our parent committee assembles customized care packages including messages from our clergy and community and special treats to send to students in college or at boarding school on Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover.
Sign up to receive care packages
Pre-College Resources
NFTY Pre-College Resources
Judaism on Campus: College Resources and Scholarships
Jewish Life on Campus
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life is the largest Jewish campus organization, serving students at more than 550 colleges and universities around the world.
Find Hillel on your campus
Hillel College Guide
Alumni Connection
Even after you graduate, you’re still part of our community! Our alumni come together in person and online for opportunities to reconnect, from challah-baking lessons to Shabbat dinners, tikkun olam to social gatherings, and more. Reach out to Hannah to learn how you can stay involved!
Hannah Richman Kearney
Summer Plans
Machon Kaplan Summer Social Action Internship is a free work/study internship program for undergraduate students interested in Judaism and social justice. Based in Washington, D.C., students participate in a meaningful social justice internship.
Become a Counselor
Make a lasting impact on the lives of campers while developing important lifelong skills and having the summer of your life! Apply to be a counselor at one of our regional URJ camps (Eisner, Crane Lake, or 6 Points Sci-Tech) or Jewish camps across the country.
Travel to Israel
Netzer Year
Netzer Year is a gap year in Israel for recent high school grads in which participants live on a kibbutz, volunteer in Israeli communities, travel throughout the country, study in Jerusalem, interact with Israelis, and more.
Taglit-Birthright Israel trips are an all-expenses paid program open to anyone who is Jewish, aged 18-26.
Masa Israel Journey
Masa Israel Journey is a leader in immersive international experiences in Israel for young adults (18-30), offering a diverse portfolio of study abroad, internship, service learning, and Jewish studies programs.
Celebrate TBE Youth Community
Celebrate TBE Youth
Summer Camp 2023!
Learn about some of the work that TBE’s youth team did this summer while visiting various camps in the area.
Pray-Party-Plant: Our Kippah Garden
Erica Kotin was on a quest have her son Jake’s B’mitzvah be sustainable, one plantable kippah at a time!
TBE’s Madrahim Student Leaders
Meet our Madrahim! These role models assist the teachers in the classroom while maintaining their own connection with our TBE community.
TBE Youth in Action
Reach Out
Alison Kur
Executive Director, Jewish Living and Learning
Hannah Richman Kearney
Director, BaBayit & Havayah
Dr. Judy Avnery
Interim Director, K–7 Learning Programs
Lisa Scott
Early Childhood
Register for TBE Youth Learning Programs
Connect on Social Media
TBE Youth Instagram
TBE Youth Facebook