Toddler to Teen
Grades 8–12
“When you teach your children, you teach your children’s children.”
Choose your path in Havayah, TBE’s vibrant youth community.
Pursue your passions.
Engage with Jewish values and culture through learning, leadership, and social events.
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”grades-8-12-havayah” limit=”5″]Havayah: Experience
Havayah is TBE’s teen community for grades 8-12. Havayah is a welcoming and supportive Jewish community where teens are empowered as learners and leaders by one another and by caring, dedicated clergy.
Havayah provides many options for engagement and we encourage participants to choose their own path in TBE’s vibrant youth community and in the broader Jewish community. Our core curriculum are both a representation of who we aspire to be and a lens for our learning.
Our Havayah team is here to help each teen design the Jewish experience that will work best for them.
Rabbi Ben Rosen
The foundation of Havayah are its chavurot, affinity-based groups that meet on different days and times throughout the week. Connect your interests to your Jewish identity and create a schedule that works for you and connects you with your friends.
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Our teens lead, directly shape Havayah programming in many ways. As an event chair, you can take the lead on planning an individual event. As a member of Manhigut Council, you’ll plan and run Havayah programs and events, as well participate in leadership training programs, build skills, and develop leadership styles. Our Senior Leadership Team works with the TBE Youth team to set the vision for all of Havayah and mentors and leads our Manhigut Council.
Many teens at TBE are also involved as leaders in our K-7 programs as Madrichim, Songleading Madrichim, and Kesher mentors!
Ali Klein
Reach Out
Alison Kur
Jewish Living and Learning
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Assistant Rabbi
Ali Klein
Assistant Director, Havayah
If you need assistance with registration, please contact Ali Klein.
Community Resources
Find information on day school, summer plans, travel to Israel, alumni connection, and more!
Connect on Social Media
TBE Youth Instagram
Social Events
Join Havayah for social events planned by and for teens. Our social events have included our annual Havayah Kick-Off, trips to Boda Borg, a Mystery Bus Ride, and more, are the perfect opportunity to reconnect with friends, develop friendships started in Chavurot and other programs, and meet new people in Havayah.
Shabbatonim & Trips
We offer several full-day, overnight, or travel experiences. Our Shabbatonim (retreats) and trips are infused with creative learning experiences, exciting worship and music, and time to unwind and connect with friends. Past trips have included Shabbatonim at the Craigville Retreat center in Cape Cod, adventure day trips, and at the Warren Center in Ashland.
Also, join us this year for our Teen Tour trips! We will be doing a 9th & 10th grade service trip to New Orleans, Louisiana and a 11th & 12th grade History Tour to Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia.
This year, we’re finding creative and meaningful opportunities for our teens to engage in community.
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Expanding Your Jewish Journey
Connect with our partner organizations for numerous opportunities for teens, both throughout the year and during the summer.
Jewish Teen Initiative
JCC Boston Diller Teen Fellowship
JF&CS TeenSafe
Summer Programs
BBYO New England Region
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category=”grades-8-12-havayah” limit=”5″]Registration
- Registration information for 2024–2025 is now open! In order to access the Havayah registration, you will be asked to log in through our member portal. Your Username is your email address. If you have forgotten your password or you have not previously set up your account, please click “forgot password” and you will be able to set up your account. Your account is linked to the email address we have for you in our database. If you are not able to log into the portal and you have recently changed your email, please try your previous email address. To access the Havayah Registration, click here. For questions please contact Ali Klein.
Tikkun Olam Volunteer Corp
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Different days and different times (few times a month)
Volunteering does not stop post B’Mitzvah! As a member of the Tikkun Olam Corp you will have opportunities to engage in a plethora of local volunteer options. These opportunities will occur on many different days and times throughout the week so you can pick which ones are the best for your schedule.
Upcoming sessions
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Jess Friedman
Returning Madrichim
Professional Development
Open to: Grades 9–12
Meets: By cohort meeting time (every week)
Madrichim receive professional development in cohorts, led by lead teachers!
Eliana Stein
Songleading Workshop
Music Madrichim
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Sunday mornings or Tuesday afternoons (every week)
Join a dedicated and enthusiastic team of song leaders and get ready to make Jewish music with our students! Prepare music and lead students in grades K-2 in music classes! You’ll also receive ongoing professional development and support. This year, Music Madrichim will have the option of leading music on Tuesday afternoons (3:30-5:30) or during either session on Sunday morning (8:45-10:45) or (11:15-1:15).
Professional Facilitator
Upcoming sessions
Madrichim in Training Workshop
Open to: Grade 8
Meets: Sundays, 11:00 am–12:00 pm (about once a month)
Be a role model for our younger students! Our Madrichim, or teaching assistants, help the teachers in the classroom by building relationships with kids, working with students on projects and classwork, and helping to prepare materials. Starting in 9th grade, trained Madrichim can be hired for a paid role in a classroom.
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”madrichim-in-training” limit=”2″]
Eliana Stein
Challah Back Girls
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Mondays, 7:30–9:00 pm (once a month)
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming. Eat dinner, spend time connecting with friends, and figure out how to navigate the journey and challenges of growing up as a Jewish American teen. Explore topics through activities, discussions, popular culture and media, games, arts and crafts, Jewish values, and more.
We welcome teens who identify as transgender, non-binary, gender fluid, or gender questioning to participate fully in our Jew Man Group or Challah Back Girls Groups, in whichever program they feel most comfortable!
Ali Klein
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”challah-back-girls” limit=”2″]
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Jew Man Group
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Mondays, 7:30–9:00 pm (once a month)
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming. Eat dinner, spend time connecting with friends, and figure out how to navigate the journey and challenges of growing up as a Jewish American teen. Explore topics through activities, discussions, popular culture and media, games, arts and crafts, Jewish values, and more.
We welcome teens who identify as transgender, non-binary, gender fluid, or gender questioning to participate fully in our Jew Man Group or Challah Back Girls Groups, in whichever program they feel most comfortable!
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Devon Barker
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”jew-man-group” limit=”2″]
Ben Rosen Rosen
Wrestling with Israel
Open to: Grade 9–12
Meets: Sundays 5:00–6:30 pm (twice a month)
Jewish Learning Experience through American Jewish University. Through partnership with the American Jewish University, Rabbi Ben will be teaching a year-long, college-level course on Israeli history, politics, and culture. All students who participate will be eligible for three hours of college credit! More information about cost and commitment will be sent once interest is expressed on the registration form.
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”j-connect” limit=”2″]
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Open to: Grade 12
Meets: Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm (once a month)
We are incredibly proud that so many of our teens engage in Jewish life throughout their years at TBE. Whether in Havayah, at a full-day Jewish high school, or through another Jewish learning experience, our seniors have shown outstanding commitment, dedication, and leadership. Our tradition is to celebrate this important transition in their lives through the process of Confirmation. All high school seniors are automatically enrolled in Confirmation. We look forward to sharing this milestone with you and your family.
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”confirmation” limit=”2″]
Rabbi Ben Rosen
T’filah Band: Creating Sacred Music
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Wednesdays, 6:00–7:00 pm (meets twice a month)
Bring your musical talent to the Havayah T’filah Band. Whether you play the guitar, piano, sax, ukulele, drums, or sing, join us in making some awesome music. Together, we will take a dive deep into the meaning of our sacred texts and create beautiful musical compositions that fit their intentions. We will also use secular music as a tool to enhance our understanding of the sacred texts.
Cantor Shanna Zell
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”tfilah-band” limit=”2″]
Cantor Shanna Zell
Senior Leadership Team
Open to: Grades 11 & 12
Meets: Wednesdays, 6:00–7:00 pm (twice a month)
Our most deeply engaged and dedicated leaders have the opportunity to shape the present and future of Havayah as members of our Senior Leadership Team. Meet once a week to set the vision and agenda for Havayah, plan and lead Manhigut Council meetings, and help mentor our teen leaders.
Interested in applying? Schedule meetings with Erika Lilienfeld or another member of the TBE Youth Team to help you decide if Senior Leadership Team is right for you.
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”senior-leadership-team” limit=”2″]
Ali Klein
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Manhigut Council
Open to: Grades 8–12
Meets: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:00 pm (twice a month)
Grow as a leader as a member of our Manhigut Council! Havayah’s leadership board meets a 1-2 times per month to bond as a group, develop leadership skills, make decisions about the future of Havayah, and learn about upcoming events and programs. All Havayah participants are eligible to be on Manhigut Council—just reach out to Erika Lilienfeld or a member of the TBE Youth Team to learn more.
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”manhigut-council” limit=”2″]
Ali Klein
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Chavurot Calendar
Upcoming sessions
[tribe_events_list category=”chavurot” limit=”5″]
Event Chairs
Want to see the evolution of an event from brainstorm to vision to reality? Each Havayah event, trip, or program has a small group of teens who serve as chairs for that event. These teens will take the lead in program development, outreach, and leadership at the event itself. Any member of Havayah can step up to be a chair!
Commitment: Leading up to each event, chairs will meet in person once per week and will do work outreach and program development outside of chair meetings. Chairs will attend all parts of the event that they chair.
Ali Klein
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Manhigut Council
Ready to take the next step in your leadership journey? Become a member of the Manhigut Council! Grow and strengthen our community and focus on leadership development, vision setting, and planning for Havayah.
Commitment: Members of the Havayah Manhigut Council attend all Council meetings and Chair Team meetings as applicable, and as many Havayah programs and events as possible throughout the year. All Havayah Manhigut attend leadership training programs throughout the year.
Ali Klein
Rabbi Ben Rosen
Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team is open to juniors and seniors who go above and beyond as leaders and role models at TBE. If you’ve been on Manhigut Council, take on new and expanded leadership opportunities in Havayah.
Commitment: Senior leadership means going above and beyond as a leader and role model at TBE. You are expected to make your role in Havayah a top extra-curricular priority. To be eligible, you must have an extensive history as a leader in Manhigut Coucil. Senior Leadership Team attends most, if not all Havayah events, programs, and meetings.
Ali Klein
Rabbi Ben Rosen
- Every Havayah event or program will relate to our core values, which allow us to grow in connection to ourselves, Judaism, each other, and God.
- Our core values also align with our TBE Vision: “All our paths lead to shalom.” Our aspiration of shalom is one of wholeness for each individual, our community, and our world. Personal wholeness within a community leads to communal wholeness.
Curiosity (Sakranut)
In Judaism, curiosity is being open to seeing the divine spark. Curiosity is at the root of seeing the potential for the sacred—whether it is in another person, nature, community, or something you are learning.
Awe (Yirah)
Yirah is connected to the idea of reverence—and it can mean both fear and awe. It is about experiences like looking at the Grand Canyon and feeling completely struck by how incredible the world is. The source text for the name of Temple Beth Elohim is a line spoken by Jacob, “How awe-inspiring (Norah, same root as Yirah) is this place, it is none other than a Beit Elohim (House of God).” It is connected to feeling inspired, but also feeling connected to God.
Compassion (Chesed)
“The world stands on three things: on the Torah, on the Service of God, and acts of Loving-Kindness (Torah, Avodah, Gemilut Chasadim).” Chesed includes acts that show true kindness to others, such as visiting the sick, clothing the naked, and comforting those who have lost a loved one. A true act of Chesed is done without the expectation of anything being done in return.
Leadership (Manhigut)
Manhigut literally means to be a driver, someone moving something forward. Being a leader does not mean you are the one who is at the front of the room, but instead means that your are someone who is moving the people in a direction.
Courage (Ometz Lev)
Translating to a “courageous heart,” this spiritual trait is the inner strength to move forward despite fears or challenges.
Justice (Tzedek)
Tzedek speaks to our responsibility to create a world wherein each person is responsible for one another, and where we treat one another with righteousness. The root of the word tzedek is connected to righteousness, i.e. doing the right thing. It is also connected to the idea of giving tzedakah, typically translated as charity, but actually meaning contributing to a more just world.
Resilience (Hosen)
Resilience means the ability to recover and manage setbacks, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. In Judaism, resilience is often used to describe who we are — a people who has adapted to exile, persecution, and the changes of society as a whole.
Zest & Enthusiasm (Zerizut)
This is our innate capacity for sustained, passionate responses to the needs of the moment. It means being prompt to tackle obligations, persisting in those tasks, and tackling what you do with zest! According to the founder of modern hasidism, the Ba’al Shem Tov, “Everything we do should be with energy and dedication (b’zerizut) since in every act we are able to serve God.”
Awareness of Self (Anavah)
Anavah, often translated as humility, teaches that we should take up the right amount of space—not too much, and not too little—and that we shouldn’t focus too much either on our own virtues nor on the faults of others. It is about understanding when you need to step up and when you need to step back, both in a community and within yourself.
Connection (Kesher)
This is the value of feeling connected and can be described in concentric circles of connection. First, connection to self, then connection to family and community, nature, Judaism, Jewish People, and Israel. In all of these connections, one might also find a deep connection to God and spirituality, the power of being connected to something greater than just yourself.
Reach Out
Alison Kur
Jewish Living and Learning
Hannah Richman Kearney
Director, Grade 8–12, Havayah Teen Community
If you need assistance with registration, please contact Heather Pellegrini.
Community Resources
Find information on Day School, Summer Plans, Passport to Israel, and more!
Connect on Social Media
TBE Youth Instagram
TBE Youth Facebook