Nine years ago, Risa Shames and I decided to create new opportunities for our adult TBE community to participate in direct service Tikkun Olam. We reached out to friends Amy Benjamin, Mimi Burstein, Marilyn Komessar and Janet Goldenberg, and all were eager to join us. Our mission was to create a program where we could make meaningful connections and build community through small group social justice activities throughout Greater Boston. And from that, CASA (TBE’s Community of Adult Social Action) was born!
As we enter our tenth year, I am so pleased with how CASA has grown and impacted so many individuals, both within TBE and in the many agencies where we volunteered. We have had over 200 TBE members volunteer with us at organizations such as Rosie’s Place, Pine Street Inn, Prison Book Program, Community Servings, Greater Boston Food Bank, Christmas in the City, and many more. We volunteer in small groups (5-15), which has allowed us to develop meaningful connections as we work.
The organizations that we serve have come to rely on our extremely capable volunteers, and many reach out to us when they are in particular need, knowing that we can provide with an eager group of volunteers, or some much needed supplies, at the last minute.
This has been a particularly meaningful committee to participate in, and I feel eternally grateful to have the opportunity to serve side by side with my fellow CASA organizers, and with so many of our amazing TBE congregants!
We would be so happy to welcome new faces to our events. People can volunteer once, or as often as they like. Learn more here.