When my family joined TBE in 2014, our hope was to find a temple community that would inspire us to live our Jewish values. Joining the Caring Community, particularly the Bereavement Committee, has provided me with exactly what I was seeking.
I immediately felt at home volunteering for the Caring Community, bringing meals to sick members and running errands for those confined to their homes. I worried, though, about the outreach I would do on the Bereavement Committee. How was I going to know what to say and how to act?
Thanks to our thoughtful leaders, who guide us to support our community with deep respect, I feel completely comfortable calling families to express condolences and bringing them challah to provide sustenance. A month after a death, I also bring mourners a bag of items from the temple to remind them that we continue to think of them during their difficult time. When I experienced my parents’ deaths years before, I deeply valued the outreach and support, even from those I didn’t know. Temple members have had the same reaction to my outreach: they appreciate feeling embraced by TBE during their time of need.
I most value the opportunity to meet temple members when I bring their challahs. Some thank me warmly at the door; others invite me in (pre-Covid) to share stories about their loved ones or show me pictures of them.
At the end of our assigned month, my fellow volunteer and I have breakfast together to talk about our experiences. For both of us, Bereavement outreach provides the chance to enact our Jewish values and to give back to a temple that gives so much sustenance to our families. Our Bereavement efforts remind us of our connection to the Jewish community and our ability to make a difference in the lives of others.
Contact Carolyn Kohlman to learn more about becoming a Bereavement volunteer.