Some members have shared with me that they feel uncomfortable joining a social action conversation at TBE because they feel that their point of view is not welcome or that there is a perceived resistance to multiple perspectives. We are listening.
At times like this we must remember that we value all perspectives at TBE, especially in our discussions about social issues. Moreover, respect in discourse is a deeply held Jewish value.
We often think of Tikkun Olam as community service and social action. As the New Year begins I also ask you to “repair the world” through conversation.
I invite you in — whether you lean left, right or center. We need multiple perspectives to best understand the complexity of the issues. We must all learn to widen our gaze: engage in conversation, listen for where we agree, where we disagree, and ask questions.
Join us for a new program “Civil Discourse in Complicated Times” on October 17, 2018, 7-9 pm. This is the first of a four-part series and discussion led by Facing History and Ourselves on the foundational values of inclusion, love and understanding.
Just like in our homes where political and ideological perspectives vary, at TBE we must engage our Jewish values and provide space for respect and learning.
Read the Bulletin, visit the Social Action page on the website and the temple calendar to learn about upcoming programming, and engage.
In these complicated times it is more important than ever for our community to find the strength and goodness in others different from ourselves.
Let’s begin anew.