We’re excited to introduce our new board members, who officially began their roles in July! We asked them to share a favorite TBE memory. Here’s what they said.
Neil Silverston, President
One of my favorite TBE moments was winning the Men’s Softball “Kiddush Cup” in 2006, a come-from-behind win against Young Israel, a team that until that moment, always seemed to have our number. Our family had joined TBE just two years earlier and the TBE softball team was the first place I felt at home in the community. That first team, and all TBE softball teams since, never get discouraged when things don’t go our way and always find a way to lift each other up.
Joe Blumenfeld, VP Communications
My wife, Michelle Paster, and I have been involved in TBE since the minute we walked in the door and fell in love with the place. We co-chaired the 2015 Community Dinner, as well as an Evening to Remember in 2018. But my favorite TBE memories are, undoubtedly, my daughters’ Bat Mitzvahs. Participating in those life cycle events surrounded by our family, friends, and community—in our beautiful sanctuary, with our incredible clergy—created a connection to TBE that makes it feel like home.
Jessica Lasser, VP Tikkun Olam
My favorite TBE picture is really 2 pictures, one from the beginning of the school year and one from the end. To me it shows that even before COVID hit, TBE helped us to see and appreciate what was important to us. By the end of the school year, while we were maybe slightly less optimistic about the state of the world, TBE helped us to stay positive and to focus our mission on helping others. I hope to continue that focus across generations in my role as VP of Tikkun Olam.
Mike Carroll, Presidential Appointee
We have been members since the birth of our daughter 15 years ago. We have had so many memories at TBE, including our kids’ time at Gan Elohim, years of Evening to Remember, and our daughter’s bat mitzvah.
Seth Bloom, Presidential Appointee & Leadership Council Co-Chair
I grew up at TBE and the community has been a constant in my life…from my bar mitzvah, confirmation, and wedding…to baby namings and b’nei mitzvah of my own children. Side note: If you’re ever on the temple’s second floor looking at the Confirmation class photos, you’ll see my wife Elizabeth standing a few feet away from me. (She wouldn’t give me the time of day back then!)
I love so much about our community, but I’m most struck by how we always strive to do things in new and different ways. I think the spirit can be traced back to Cantor Sufrin’s knack for introducing new liturgical music at just the right pace so services always remained comfortable but not stale…a tradition that continues with Cantor Zell!
I am incredibly excited to join the board at a time when there is so much meaningful dialogue about how best to meet the needs of our members and the communities around us.