Most of us have to only go back one, two, or three generations to reflect on the bravery, fears, uncertainties experienced by members of our families as they immigrated to a new land. Who / what did they leave behind? What had they suffered? How desperate were they? What was most challenging? And, why did they leave the “old country?” Safety? Opportunities for themselves and their children?
The new immigrants we at TBE have assisted in re-settling have their own stories, but they come to the United States with the same hopes and dreams. They have experienced huge losses of home, of parents, siblings, of most everything that was familiar. They have acquired English skills; they work; they learn new customs. “Our” newest re-settled family had never previously met a Jew. They are comforted in seeing that some of our beliefs and observances are similar. They are all overwhelmed with gratitude that our volunteers, donors, area church donors and the Wayland mosque (active in employment once work visas arrive) are caring and enormously supportive.
Our team leader, Michael Gilman, tells the remarkable story of his grandmother who tired of waiting for her husband to send for his family, “In 1917, age 27, my Bubbe gathered her 3 children (including my mother age 6) and her few possessions, walked and hitched rides eastward some 5500 miles, finally landing in China. From there, they went to Vladivostok and then as stow-a-ways on a ship headed for Vancouver. On threat of being sent back, HIAS paid their fare and assured their arrival in Boston where they were reunited with my grandfather. Their story—my story—is what motivates me to help immigrants.”
We encourage you to share your personal stories with us. Email one of us: Michael Gilman, Ed Shapiro, Deb Gotbetter, Jessica Lasser, Lina Musayev,
Susan Sidel.
To re-settle another family, we need an additional $15,000 (plus another $35,000 for possibly a third) Afghan family. We have the volunteers and access to below market rent housing to make this possible. To donate, click here and select “New Americans Immigration Fund” under the dropdown that says “Please select below the fund you wish to donate to.” You can also mail a check payable to Temple Beth Elohim noting “New Americans Immigration Fund.” Thank you for your support!