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Drum Circle (In Person)

  • Spiritual Practice

Drumming is known to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being and mental alertness. We will play beautiful rhythms from around the world.

Fee: $165 – $183

Israel for Reel (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

We are working in partnership with the ICC (Israel Cultural Connection) and trained facilitator Tamar Forman, to explore their innovative state-of-the-art curriculum, Israel for Reel (IFR).

Drum Circle (In Person)

  • Spiritual Practice

Drumming is known to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being and mental alertness. We will play beautiful rhythms from around the world.

Fee: $165 – $183

Israel for Reel (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

We are working in partnership with the ICC (Israel Cultural Connection) and trained facilitator Tamar Forman, to explore their innovative state-of-the-art curriculum, Israel for Reel (IFR).

Red Cross Blood Drive (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

TBE is sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive in our building. The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood and platelet donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage. Consider donating blood, the source of life, to those in need & help fulfill our temple’s mission of bringing light to our world.

Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

Join Temple Beth Elohim’s efforts to make a difference to the children served by Cradles to Crayons. Items should be for children ages infant through 12 years old. Please leave items in the donation box located in the temple atrium.

Tashlich (Outdoors)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for a meaningful, reflective ritual including shofar, song, and tossing stones into the river as we symbolically cast away our sins.

Sukkot Fun Fest (Outdoors)

  • Toddler to Teen

Join us outdoors, shake the lulav, and celebrate the holiday of Sukkot with festive fall crafts, seasonal treats, games, music, a petting zoo, and more!

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