Closed: “Shalom, Barbie!” Adult Purim Learning (In Person)
- Adult Learning
Join Rabbi Harper and Hannah Kearney to explore the Book of Esther alongside clips from the blockbuster hit film “Barbie."
Join Rabbi Harper and Hannah Kearney to explore the Book of Esther alongside clips from the blockbuster hit film “Barbie."
Join Rabbi Sisenwine to discuss major monthly stories from the Jewish world, based upon articles from the Forward, America’s Jewish newspaper, since 1897.
Judaism isn’t just something that happens at a synagogue. Learn about some of the key practices that surround Jewish life outside the temple in this week’s installment of Intro to Judaism.
This program will guide participants in exploring the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
This 8-week program will help you develop a self-care routine to help manage stress, improve your outlook and enhance your quality of life.
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle this spring with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray in an exciting and engaging Shabbat morning service for our 0-5 year olds with Cantor Josh!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
In this class, Rabbi Vanessa Harper explores what Jewish tradition might have to say about what is in our wallets.
This class provides vibrant, informative & interactive programs that give participants a safe and open-minded space to explore issues relating to Israel.
This program will guide participants in exploring the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
Join us for a film screening and talkback with Dani Rotstein, director of the new documentary Xueta Island: A Hidden History, which explores the fascinating legacy of the Xuetas, a unique group of families in Majorca, who are believed to be descendants of the island’s Inquisition-era Jewish population.
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle this spring with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Join Cantor Josh to sing, play, dance, and pray in an engaging Shabbat service for 0-5 year olds and their grownups then stay for dinner!
Join us for a special interfaith service and teaching, followed by a community dinner. RSVP by March 31!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Pretend you are back in high school and let's go bowling!
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Join us to learn about TBE and see our religious school in action!
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Listen to the Passover story, sing some of our favorite holiday songs, and decorate your very own seder plate to use at your Passover Seder.
Worried about a friend or a loved one with cognitive decline? This program is for you.
Parents of adult children struggling with differing opinions on Israel are invited for an evening of guidance, support, and wine & cheese.
In many ways, the story of the Exodus—celebrated at Passover—is the story of the origin of the Jewish people. Come learn about this story, and the ways that we celebrate it today, in this class, part of the Intro to Judaism series.
Join us as we get in the Passover spirit with a chocolate seder All Havayah night! We will be eating lots of chocolate, painting our own seder plates, and getting ready for Passover.
This program will guide participants in exploring the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
Please bring in cardboard egg cartons and gardening tools for Eretz to plant their garden in front of TBE and allow students to plant their own gardens to bring home!
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle this spring with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Tyler Katz.
This program will guide participants in exploring the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
We will review folk music in our music history and highlight how The Kingston Trio recaptured our cultural heritage.
Join us for an evening of crafting and connection! Bring a project you are working on (anything from knitting to painting or scrapbooking) and an open heart.
Join CASA as we help address food insecurity by volunteering together at the Greater Boston Food Bank main warehouse.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Why cook when you can enjoy your Seder at TBE? Register by Sunday, April 14 at 11:59 pm.
Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.
Join us for Thank God It's Shabbat (TGIS) Service, a multi-generational experience to sing, pray, and learn together in a less formal worship environment.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray in an exciting and engaging Shabbat morning service for our 0-5 year olds with Cantor Josh!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join the Green Team in the important earth day activity of clearing invasive plants with Wellesley Conservation Land Trust.
Join us for a special memorial service for those who have lost a loved one.
A combined Lunch & Learn and TBElle film program with discussion.
Join us to learn all about our Havayah teen program and how to get your 7th grader involved next year to maintain their connection to Jewish community.
Bring any old technology that you no longer need to TBE and we'll recycle it for you.
Learn from a temple member how best to help your loved ones with dementia.
The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood donations. Please schedule your next donation appointment now to help prevent another blood shortage.
Welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
Gather for a festive Adult Learning Dinner immediately following services, full of warm and beautiful Shabbat connections. RSVP by Sunday, April 28!
Follow Rachael’s decade-long journey to retrace her grandmother’s wartime history as she explores how stories are passed down from one generation to the next.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join TBE’s much anticipated ninth annual Kripalu retreat, led by Rabbi Sisenwine, Cantor Zell, Cantor Jodi Sufrin, and Noah Aronson.
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Plant the Eretz herb garden in front of TBE. Kids can plant seeds in their own egg-carton pots to bring home!
Join us in learning together through this powerful award-winning film and a talkback with Director/Producer Paula Apsell.
Join us for prayer, musical reflection, and an opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of zachor, of remembering the six million.
The history of the Jewish people is hardly free of tragedy. In this session, we’ll discuss “the oldest hatred” and the Holocaust. Feel free to drop in to this class from the Intro to Judaism series.
Join ceramics artist and renowned teacher of text Tamar Forman for an interactive text study and ceramics workshop to create yahrzeit candle holders.
Join us as CASA active volunteers at Community Servings to pack meals. RSVP by May 2!
A combined Lunch & Learn and TBElle film program with discussion.
Join our Green Team in planning to ensure our building and community are environmentally sound and sustainable.
Join us for an evening of crafting and connection! Bring a project you are working on (anything from knitting to painting or scrapbooking) and an open heart.
Join Cantor Josh to sing, play, dance, and pray in an engaging Shabbat service for 0-5 year olds and their grownups then stay for dinner!
Yoni Avi Battat (he/him) is a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and composer, celebrating his diverse Jewish ancestry through music.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join the Prime Timers for this important exhibit. Registration deadline is April 9.
Join Rabbi Sisenwine to discuss major monthly stories from the Jewish world, based upon articles from the Forward, America’s Jewish newspaper, since 1897.
In this session of the Intro to Judaism series, learn about the origins of the Zionist movement, as well as major moments in the modern state of Israel’s history. Feel free to drop in!
A combined Lunch & Learn and TBElle film program with discussion.
Join the Temple Beth Elohim community for a night of fun at Fenway!
Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.
Join us for Thank God It's Shabbat (TGIS) Service, a multi-generational experience to sing, pray, and learn together in a less formal worship environment.
Join Cantor Josh for a Tot Shabbat service featuring special Israeli songs for Yom Ha'Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day). If weather permits, we'll gather outside with a campfire!
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join Lew Finfer, long-time community organizer and co-chair of the Boston Desegregation and Busing Initiative 50th Anniversary Committee, for a tour that will include historical highlights of the 60s and 70s Civil Rights Movement in Boston.
Timely analysis, resources, and strategies to address anti-Jewish harm at this moment, including when it is carried alongside Israel and Palestine discourse.
Join with members of our community to explore how we can apply Jewish wisdom to help us engage in respectful, meaningful conversations.
Eliana Berger, from the Wellesley library, will help us understand about the growing trend of book banning throughout our country.
Join us for this three-part series to learn from fellow TBE members who grew up Jewish in another country.
Besides being a black, one eyed Jew, Sammy Davis, Jr. was probably the most talented all around performer who ever lived. Join Don Drourr as he explores why that is not just hyperbole.
Gather with Rabbi Sisenwine and the TBE Table Leadership team for a joyful and informative reception where we will celebrate You, TBE Table, and raise up the work of our remarkable community partners.
Join Rabbi Sisenwine and the TBE Table leadership team to hear from representatives of our community partner meal recipients.
Join Weston Police Chief Denis Linehan and Detective Kellie Connarton as they guide us in figuring out scams toward seniors.
Join us for this three-part series to learn from fellow TBE members who grew up Jewish in another country.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join Sisterhood for Minyan followed by a Shabbat guided tour around the Arnold Arboretum. RSVP by May 22, 2024.
Jewish tradition is marked by varying traditions and practices, but there are core values that span the Jewish spectrum. Learn about them in this class of the Intro to Judaism series.
Explore the history of the Dreyfus Affair and antisemitism in the US today, and the debates that surround safety, security, and place of Jews in the most sophisticated and enlightened societies of the modern era.
Join with members of our community to explore how we can apply Jewish wisdom to help us engage in respectful, meaningful conversations.
Peter Less, our TBE tech guru, will help us learn more about the infinite field of tech.
Join us for this three-part series to learn from fellow TBE members who grew up Jewish in another country.
Join us for an evening of crafting and connection! Bring a project you are working on (anything from knitting to painting or scrapbooking) and an open heart.
Hear from TBE congregant Ian Cohen, who will share his experience in the creation and celebration of his Oscar-nominated documentary, "The Barber of Little Rock."
Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.
Support the future of TBE by joining us on Zoom for our annual Congregational Meeting.
Gather with community to enjoy Jacob's Ladder, a Boston-based, internationally touring band seeking to push the boundaries of contemporary Jewish music and traditional American Roots music through Jewish communal singing and prayer.